Created for the City of Santa Clarita Public Library, as a teaser trailer for the One Story One City program in 2017. That year's book was "Ready Player One", All videos and programs were themed to 1980s video games, and pop culture. I created the key imagery and animation.
Time-lapse video created for the 11th Annual Literacy festival. Video shot on a GoPro, edited in Adobe Premiere, title graphics done in adobe After Effects.
Created as an Instagram video to highlight Gideon the Ninth the book club pick that year. Created primarily in Adobe Premiere.
Time lapse video for our One Story One City Ready Player one video game event, we had classic arcade games hooked up in the common area for people to come and play for free. I set up the GoPro and recorded a few hours of footage with different adults, and kids having a blast with classic video games.
Filmed, edited, audio fixed by me. This advertisement and instructional video was created to showcase the City of Santa Clarita Public Library's new locker system. Mayor Cameron Smyth was gracious enough to participate in this video.